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ibq recognised as ‘Best Private Bank in Qatar’ by Global Finance

«ibq» أفضل بنك للخدمات المصرفية الخاصة في قطر

DOHA: International Bank of Qatar (ibq) received the “Best Private Bank in Qatar” Award at Global Finance’s fourth annual “World’s Best Private Banks Awards.” Chaouki Daher, General Manager and Head of Private Banking at ibq, received the award on behalf of the bank at the gala dinner held at “The Harvard Club” in New York City.

The award recognises ibq for its exceptional quality in private wealth management and its commitment to strengthening long-lasting relationships with its client base. Global Finance’s editorial board selected the winners for the Private Bank Awards with input from executives and industry insiders, also making use of information from entries submitted by banks and independent research. This year’s ratings were based on performance during the period covering July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018.

Commenting on the award, Chaouki Daher, GM and Head of Private Banking at ibq stated: “We are honored to receive this prestigious award by Global Finance. This award is further testament to ibq’s unwavering commitment to providing its customers with premium services, expert advice, and customer service excellence, all of which are increasingly being recognised on a global scale. We are grateful to our wealth management team for their exceptional performance and dedication and our customers for their continued loyalty and trust, ultimately shaping ibq as the private bank of choice in Qatar.” With its holistic and disciplined approach to wealth management, combined with tailor-made services, ibq’s expert market knowledge contributes to a wide range of investment solutions and product offerings.

Recently, ibq announced its 2018 financial results recording a net profit of QR747.2m for the year, ending 31 December 2018, up 34.6 percent compared to QR555.1m in 2017. In addition to stellar operating performance that saw 15.3 percent growth in net profits, the bank benefitted from one off non-recurring transactions that increased the final figure to QR747.2m.

تسلم بنك قطر الدولي «ibq» جائزة «أفضل بنك خاص في قطر» من مجلة غلوبال فاينانس المرموقة، خلال الحفل السنوي الرابع لتوزيع جوائز «أفضل الخدمات المصرفية الخاصة في العالم». استلم شوقي ضاهر -المدير العام ورئيس الخدمات المصرفية الخاصة في «ibq»- الجائزة بالنيابة عن البنك، وذلك خلال حفل عشاء خاص أقيم بهذه المناسبة في نادي هارفرد في نيويورك. وتؤكد هذه الجائزة تميز «ibq» في مجال إدارة الثروات الخاصة، والتزامه بتوطيد علاقات طويلة الأمد مع عملائه. واختارت هيئة تحرير غلوبال فاينانس الفائزين في هذه الفئة استناداً إلى المعلومات المستمدة من الخبراء والمحللين والمسؤولين التنفيذيين في القطاع المصرفي والمالي، واستناداً إلى البيانات التي قدمتها البنوك والأبحاث الخاصة بهذا السوق، إضافة إلى مستخدمي الخدمات المصرفية الخاصة. واعتمدت تصنيفات هذا العام على أداء البنوك خلال الفترة من 1 يوليو 2017 إلى 30 يونيو 2018.;

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