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Education Minister of Iraq praises Qatar’s educational system

وزير التعليم العراقي: المنظومة التعليمية في قطر تستحق الإشادة

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Republic of Iraq, Dr Qusai Al Suhail (pictured), hailed the strong brotherly relations between Iraq and Qatar, noting that the mutual visits between the officials in Doha and Baghdad at the highest level reflect the common desire to consolidate and strengthen the bonds of cooperation between the brothers in both countries.

In an exclusive interview with Qatar News Agency (QNA) on the occasion of his current visit to the country, Dr Al Suhail said that Qatar and Iraq have a common desire to strengthen their previous cooperation agreements.

He pointed out that the Qatari-Iraqi Committee will be activated significantly during the next phase to achieve mutual benefits of the two countries and their two brotherly peoples. He added that cooperation between Qatar and Iraq began to move forward for the interests of both sides.

The Iraqi Minister said that his current visit to Doha will focus on aspects related to education and the capabilities of the Qatari educational institutions in order to identify opportunities for future cooperation in these areas.

He underlined that the Iraqi Ministry is committed to the implementation of the government program that emphasizes the inclusion of Iraqi universities into the global classifications, noting that brothers in Qatar have an excellent experience in this field.

Certainly, he added, there is a serious cooperation between the two sides in the application of international standards and the promotion of this cooperation to serve mutual interests at the international level.

The Minister stressed that both countries are also interested in strengthening mechanisms of joint scientific research and finding suitable opportunities for academic training between the two sides, thus contributing to the establishment of joint research centers between Qatar and Iraq.

Dr Al Suhail praised the educational system in Qatar, and said it deserves praise, admiration and the exchange of experiences with it, because it is based on solid scientific foundations and various international experiences that placed it in advanced positions at the level of the region and the Middle East, even when compared with some international centres.

Whether it is important in light of the Qatari-Iraqi cooperation to establish a committee for educational cooperation between the two countries, the Iraqi Minister of Education and Scientific Research said that they came to Doha to explore the prospects of scientific cooperation between the two countries and the possibility of signing memoranda of understanding and scientific agreements in this field.

He said the atmosphere they have seen and experienced during the visit is positive, and the brothers in Qatar have expressed their willingness to enhance opportunities for scientific cooperation with Iraq.

The Minister expressed hope to have joint studies on specific aspects, including environmental and marine issues, and some research, as there is a good progress made in areas such as nuclear engineering and life techniques, stressing that they are serious to work with the brothers in Qatar in everything that will explore, promote and develop relations between the various relevant Qatari institutions.

The Iraqi Minister said that the region particularly need mechanisms to cooperate and promote an atmosphere of dialogue and understanding between all parties, and stressed that the State of Qatar plays an important role in this system.

The effects of countries are not measured by their geographical and demographic size, but to their political role and influence, he said, noting that the State of Qatar has demonstrated during the last period its good moral impact in the overall events in the region.

It is appropriate for States with such a heavyweight to meet, coordinate and engage in a dialogue that would serve all peoples of the region in terms of political, economic and social considerations. He stressed that Iraq is open to all its brotherly countries which have to return to it, expressing hope that there will be practical steps to promote this return and dialogue between all.

On the outcome of the Iraq reconstruction conference hosted by the State of Kuwait in February 2018, Dr Al Suhail said that all donors have been waiting until the formation of the new Iraqi government to take practical steps, noting that Iraqis appreciate any economic, political or moral role in support for their country.

He also stressed that the role played by the State of Qatar is good in this direction, and that the future prospects are open to both sides towards further cooperation.

أشاد سعادة الدكتور قصي السهيل وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي في الجمهورية العراقية، بالعلاقات الأخوية الوطيدة التي تربط بين بلاده ودولة قطر، ونوه بأن الزيارات المتبادلة بين المسؤولين في الدوحة وبغداد وعلى أعلى مستوى بمثابة امتداد طبيعي للرغبة المشتركة لتوطيد وتعزيز أواصر التعاون بين الأشقاء في البلدين على المستويين الحكومي والشعبي وعلى كل الصعد.

وقال سعادة الدكتور السهيل -في حديث خاص لوكالة الأنباء القطرية «قنا»، بمناسبة زيارته الحالية للبلاد- إن لدى كل من قطر والعراق رغبة مشتركة لتعزيز اتفاقيات التعاون السابقة بينهما، مشيراً في سياق متصل إلى أنه سيتم تفعيل اللجنة القطرية العراقية بشكل كبير خلال المرحلة المقبلة، لتحقيق المنافع المشتركة للبلدين وشعبيهما الشقيقين، مضيفاً أن عجلة التعاون بين قطر والعراق بدأت في الدوران نحو الاتجاه الإيجابي بما يخدم مصالح الطرفين.

ونوه الدكتور السهيل بالمنظومة التربوية والتعليمية في دولة قطر، وقال إنها تستحق الإشادة والإعجاب وتبادل الخبرات معها، لأنها مبنية على أسس علمية رصينة، وخبرات دولية متعددة، ما جعلها تأخذ مواقع متقدمة على مستوى المنطقة والشرق الأوسط، وحتى عند مقارنتها مع بعض المراكز العالمية.

وأوضح سعادة الوزير العراقي أن زيارته الحالية للدوحة تأتي في إطار التنسيق العام مع الأشقاء في دولة قطر، وسيتم التركيز خلالها على الجوانب المتعلقة بالتربية والتعليم، والاطلاع على ما تحتويه المؤسسات التعليمية القطرية من إمكانيات، لتحديد فرص التعاون المستقبلية في هذه المجالات، مشيراً إلى وجود آليات عديدة لتنفيذ كل ما يتم الاتفاق عليه.

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