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Over 13,000 apply for Phase I of Al Furjan markets project

١٣ ألف طلب لأولى مراحل «أسواق الفرجان»

Qatar Development Bank (QDB) yesterday announced that it received an overwhelming response from applicants showing huge interests in Phase I of Al Furjan markets project. The bank received 13,266 applications from the opening date on October 21 till the closing on November 19.

QDB will host a Raffle award ceremony on December 11, 2018 at Four Seasons, Doha and the event will specially be dedicated to a number of successful applications being received by QDB, reflecting people’s keen interest in Al Furjan Markets project and also inform people about the facilitation and improvements being made by QDB.

Abdulaziz bin Nasser Al Khalifa, CEO of QDB, said: “We are elated to have received a tremendous response for the first phase of Al Furjan Markets project raffle draw, which is managed by QDB for the first time in a form of an integrated electronic system. The vast participation is a great indicator for QDB’s success in overcoming the obstacles and difficulties that might complicate any procedure associated with the raffle draw for applying to the vacant shops, as well as ensuring a smooth automated process of registration for applicants, it also reflects the citizens’ overwhelming response of this project.”

“The results of Al Furjan Markets raffle draw will be announced on December 11, 2018. QDB will continue to improve and develop Al Furjan markets, and is set to announce soon a list of new vacant shops,” he added.

The raffle draw will be very transparent given the fact that it will be a fully automated process and has been supervised by an international audit firm under the supervision of a committee composed of QDB members and other governmental stakeholders, ensuring utmost integrity, fairness and adherence to the principle of equal opportunity.

An integrated electronic system has been developed to allow applicants to apply for the Al Furjan markets Project through Al Furjan mobile application, which can be downloaded from Apple Store or Google Play to compete for over 45 retail stores during the first stage.

QDB has taken all the required measures to overcome and control any obstacles or difficulties that might complicate any procedure associated with the raffle draw and applicants are required to deposit some funds or relevant licences as a form of guarantee.

Al Furjan mobile application does not require any administrative or financial requirement, as it aims to facilitate the application process for citizens and encourage them to apply for Al Furjan markets project. Moreover, this mobile application version provides applicants the opportunity to clearly browse and select among a list of many vacant shops according to the required commercial activities, and identify their locations through a map link in the application as well as apply to those vacant shops as per area and activity criteria.

The Al Furjan Markets project is a unique initiative launched in collaboration with a number of the government sectors, in cooperation with QDB, which is handling all construction and administrate work for the project.

The initiative is considered one of Qatar’s strategic projects and is intended to support the commercial sector in the country, as part of the development of a sustainable economy in line with the Qatar National Vision 2030 to create a diverse permanent economic environment.

The motivation behind this project is the forecast increase in population within the city of Doha and its surroundings. The retail mix has been devised to cater to the most important needs.

قال بنك قطر للتنمية إن قرعة المرحلة الأولى لمشروع أسواق الفرجان شهدت طلباً كبيراً؛ حيث تسلّم البنك 13266 طلباً، ابتداء من تاريخ فتح باب التسجيل في 21 أكتوبر حتى موعد الإغلاق في 19 نوفمبر. وسيقوم البنك باستضافة مراسم حفل السحب بالقرعة في 11 ديسمبر الحالي في فندق فور سيزونز- الدوحة، وذلك من أجل منح العديد من الطلبات الناجحة التي استلمها البنك الفرصة للمشاركة في السحب بالقرعة، بالإضافة إلى تعريف الجمهور على التسهيلات والتحسينات التي ينفذها «قطر للتنمية»، خاصة فيما يتعلق بعملية السحب الإلكترونية، التي تتمتع بأفضل قواعد الشفافية والنزاهة والتقيد بمبدأ تكافؤ الفرص. وتم تطوير نظام إلكتروني متكامل يتيح للمتقدمين تقديم طلباتهم لقرعة مشروع أسواق الفرجان من خلال تطبيق «الفرجان»، للمنافسة على 45 محلاً تجارياً موزعة على عدد من أسواق المرحلة الأولى.;

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