Katara hosts Vietnamese cultural evening
“كتارا” تحتضن استعراضا فنيا من فيتنام
Doha: The embassy of Vietnam in collaboration with Qatar Airways and Katara Cultural Foundation, organised a Vietnamese cultural evening under the theme ‘Da-Nang-an oriental charm’ at Drama Theatre of Katara Cultural Village, on Saturday.
The event primarily meant to bestow the promotion for the inauguration of new flight from Qatar to Vietnam on December 19. Also the event is part of Qatar National Day 2018 celebrations.
During the event, Nguyen Dinh Thao, the Vietnamese Ambassador to Qatar said: “In this proudful event, we would like to promote and introduce the newest gateway to Da Nang, the beautiful tourist city of Vietnam.” He also added that the cultural evening was also a part of Qatar National Day celebrations.
“Qatar and Vietnam are now in the pursuit of twenty-fifth diplomatic year and the inauguration of new flight route would indeed be another chance to build stringent ties between the two countries,” said Martha Tilahun Paulos, the Vice President Commercial – Qatar at Qatar Airways. She also added that Da Nanag is one of the three Vietnamese destination in the Qatar Airways’ list on rapidly expanding global network.
Reflecting the beauty of nature and the ancient heritage, traditional cultural events were staged to enthuse the audience from different nationalities. There were six performances that promoted the culture and early periodical heritage of Vietnam.
The young performers dressed in their traditional costume moved through unique style with unique musical notes. Picturing variety of traditional stories and customs, the Vietnamese band performed a quadrant dance, duet dance, fan dance, two musical performances by a 15-year old xylophone artist Dinh Thi Thu Na and eventually a lotus dance.
Hang, an employee at the Tourism Department of Vietnam told The Peninsula that the lotus dance is the core part of the event and lotus is the national flower of Vietnam and highlights the beauty of Vietnam as well. She further said that these cultural events promote the beauty of Vietnam and Da Nang to where new flight route would be inaugurated on December 19.
By Bahira Maisoon | The Peninsula
احتضن مسرح الدراما في المؤسسة العامة للحي الثقافي “كتارا” استعراضا فنيا لفرقة دانانج الفيتنامية بعنوان “السحر الشرقي” والذي تم تنظيمه بالتعاون بين “كتارا” وسفارة دولة فيتنام في الدوحة.
وألقى سعادة السيد نغوين دينه ثاو السفير الفيتنامي لدى الدولة كلمة عبر خلالها عن عمق العلاقات الثنائية بين قطر وفيتنام، مثمنا التعاون الثقافي المستمر مع المؤسسة العامة للحي الثقافي “كتارا”، ومتقدما بشكره لجميع القائمين عليها لما قدموه من تعاون.
وقد تفاعل الحضور مع ما قدمته الفرقة الفيتنامية الليلة الماضية من معزوفات موسيقية عكست جمال الفن الفيتنامي ذي الأصول الآسيوية العريقة حيث استخدم العازفون آلات موسيقية فيتنامية تقليدية، كان لها إيقاعها الفريد والمتميز. وتنبع الموسيقى الفيتنامية من الطبيعة النغمية للغة الفيتنامية. كما أنها تعكس جمال الطبيعة وتراثها العريق.