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Air show on Saturday, Sunday on Corniche

استعراض جوي اليوم وغداً فوق كورنيش الدوحة

DOHA: Some of the most amazing aircraft of the Italian Air Force and the Qatari Display Team will paint the skies over Doha Corniche with stunning colours in a breathtaking air show at 1.45pm tomorrow and on Sunday, the Italian Embassy announced yesterday.

Organised by the Italian Embassy and sponsored by Italy-based aerospace and defence company Leonardo, the unique and extraordinary show will include the T-346 A, considered the best advanced trainer aircraft available in the market today, and the Eurofighter Typhoon, the latest-generation multi-role fighter.

Both aircraft will be manned by the Reparto Sperimentale Volo (Italian Air Force Flight Test Wing), which is responsible for the study and evaluation of all ground and flight tests of aeronautical weapon systems, and the Italian Air Force aerobatic team “Frecce Tricolori”, the world’s largest and most known acrobatics patrol, with their ten aircraft performing together.

Heir of historical acrobatic traditions, this team of the Italian Air Force is well known all over the world for their stunning aircraft stunts, contributing with their prestige to promote and represent the excellence of Italy abroad.

“We are very proud and excited that the Italian Air Force will perform for the very first time an aerobatic show with the Qatar Display Team in the sky of Doha,” said Pasquale Salzano, Italy’s Ambassador to Qatar.

“This spectacular event confirms further the bonds of friendship between Italy and Qatar, and reflects the warm welcome of Qatari people towards the Italian community.”

“It’s an honour for us to bring the Italian Flag in Doha together with the excellence in the Defence sector,” said Col. Luciano Ippoliti, Chief of the Reparto Sperimentale Volo.

“This event contributes to strengthening the ties of our collaboration with Qatari Armed Forces and the image of Italy as a country of high reliability in terms of knowhow and technological capabilities, enhancing synergy and cooperation also with the Italian aerospace and defence industry.”

Valerio Stella, Leonardo General Manager in Doha, commented:

“I am delighted that Leonardo’s most advanced aeronautics technologies will be on show. The chance to admire our M-346 advanced jet trainer, the Eurofighter Typhoon and Italian aerobatic team as they soar over this beautiful city is something unique and extraordinary. We have long been committed to providing a high level of excellence in technologies and services for the Italian Air Force and with the same dedication we are working daily here in Qatar supporting the country’s institutions with our products and capabilities.”

في إطار التعاون العسكري بين القوات المسلحة القطرية والقوات المسلحة الإيطالية سيقام عرض جوي يشارك فيه عدد (١١) طائرة من نوع PC-21 من كلية الزعيم محمد بن عبدالله العطية الجوية وعدد (١١) طائرة من نوع AIR MACHE لفريق الاستعراض الجوي الإيطالي، وطائرتان من نوع يورو فايتر تابعتان لسلاح الجو الإيطالي، في منطقة كورنيش الدوحة في تمام الساعة الواحدة و50 دقيقة ظهرا اليوم السبت وغدا الأحد .

تأتي هذه المشاركة لإتاحة الفرصة لطياري كلية الزعيم الجوية لاكتساب الخبرات نتيجة الاحتكاك مع نظرائهم من الدول الأخرى وكذلك ينعكس إيجاباً في إظهار هذا الحدث خاصة لما يتمتع به فريق الاستعراض الجوي الإيطالي من سمعة عالمية وخبرات في هذا المجال، كما أن طياري كلية الزعيم على قدر عالٍ من الخبرة في مجال التدريب والعروض الجوية والتي تضاهي فرق العروض العالمية.

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