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WISE participates in second Conference of Paris

«وايز» يشارك في مؤتمر باريس العالمي

DOHA: The World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE), an initiative of Qatar Foundation (QF), has participated in the second Conference of Paris, part of a series of gatherings organized by the International Economic Forum of the Americas (IEFA).

The conference’s focus is on assessing globalization, and how different stakeholders can respond to and shape it.

Hosted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the conference saw WISE contribute to a session exploring the key challenges of digital literacy in a time of technological disruption. It also discussed about how education can provide targeted efforts that support greater inclusion within modern economies.

WISE has been the IEFA’s preferred education partner for the past four years, and has also shared its global expertise and perspectives at other flagship IEFA forums such as the World Strategic Forum and the Conference of Montreal.

Through this participation, WISE has highlighted the important role that education can, and should, play in addressing some of the challenges posed by disruptive technologies.

Stavros Yiannouka, CEO, WISE, who participated in a panel discussion at the Conference of Paris on the changing nature of capitalism posed by the digital revolution, and the challenges this poses for education, said, “Education can be a driver in reforming capitalism so that it can continue to be an engine for global peace and prosperity. For this to happen, however, we need to restore the primacy of the values of the enlightenment: science, reason, and humanism.”

شارك مؤتمر القمة العالمي للابتكار في التعليم «وايز»، إحدى مبادرات مؤسسة قطر، في مؤتمر باريس الثاني الذي يأتي ضمن سلسلة اجتماعات نظمها المنتدى الاقتصادي الدولي للأميركتين حول تقييم العولمة، وكيف يمكن لمختلف الأطراف المعنية بها أن تتعاطى معها وتُعيد صياغتها. وشارك مؤتمر القمة العالمي للابتكار في التعليم «وايز» ضمن فعاليات مؤتمر باريس، الذي استضافته منظمة التعاون الاقتصادي والتنمية، من خلال جلسة استعرضت التحديات الرئيسة التي تواجه مسيرة محو الأمية الرقمية.;

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