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Qatar to host World Championships 2023 and Masters 2020

الدوحة تنظم كبرى بطولات الجودو في العالم

Budapest: Qatar Taekwondo, Judo and Karate Federation announced that Doha will organize the 2023 World Championships for individual athletes and for teams.

Host city Doha will also organize the 2020 IJF Masters.

Both events are agreed and signed with the International Judo Federation and the Qatar Taekwondo, JUDO and Karate Federation.

At the IJF Headquarters in Budapest the agreement was signed by IJF President Marius Vizer and Qatar Federation Present Khalid Hamad Al Atiya and General Secretary Eid Ali Almuraikhi. The agreement was signed on the birthday of Qatar’s best athlete Ayoub El Idrissi.

Furthermore both parties agreed on a partnership for the implementation of a program that will support the promotion and development of judo in Qatar, before and during the events that they will host.

During the visit, IJF and QJF established the basis for a fruitful collaboration, aiming also at implementing common sports and social projects in Yemen and other concerned areas.

IJF President Marius Vizer said at the end of the meeting: “It is an honor for the IJF to organise World Championships 2023 and Masters 2020 in Qatar, given that Qatar is one of the countries which contributes the most to the promotion and development of sports in their countries but also internationally.

Qatar has a major contribution to the international sports movement, sport being a universal value, accessible to all, and thus they support friendship and unity among the nations of the world, for peace and a better world.”
Hosting city Doha is relatively unknown but it is organizing major international championships for years. In the Qatar capital the Asian Games were organized including a judo programme as well as Arab Games.

The facilities are amazing given the huge investments in infrastructure due to the 2020 FIFA World Cup. (QNA)

أعلن الاتحاد القطري للتايكوندو والجودو والكاراتيه عن تنظيم الدوحة لكبرى بطولات الجودو في العالم، حيث وقع الاتحاد عقد استضافة بطولة الماسترز للعام 2020، والتي تضم أفضل 16 لاعباً من المصنفين عالمياً لكل وزن، وبطولة العالم 2023 والتي سوف تجمع أكثر من 117 دولة، كما تعتبر هاتين البطولتين كبرى بطولات الجودو ومؤهلتان لدورتي الألعاب الأولمبية 2020 و2024.

وقام الاتحاد القطري للتايكوندو والجودو والكاراتيه ممثلاً بخالد بن حمد العطية بتوقيع عقدي الشراكة لتنظيم هذين الحدثين العالميين مع الاتحاد الدولي للجودو ممثلاً في ماريوس فيزر، وذلك مساء أمس في مقر الاتحاد الدولي بمدينة بودابست المجرية.

وفي سياق آخر، قام الاتحادين القطري والدولي بتوقيع عقد شراكة، حيث يدعم بموجبه الاتحاد الدولي للجودو منتخب قطر للجودو لمدة خمس سنوات خلال الفترة من 2019-2023;

Qatar to host World Championships 2023 and Masters 2020

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