Hamad Port achieves direct revenues of QR 2.5 billion in 2017: Transport Minister
ميناء حمد يحقق إيرادات مباشرة بقيمة 2.5 مليار ريال قطري في عام 2017: وزير النقل
Doha: Minister of Transport and Communications and Chairman of Mwani Qatar H E Jassim bin Saif Al Sulaiti said that the direct return on the national economy as a result of the transport of containers through Hamad Port amounted to about QR 2.5 billion in 2017, in addition to other gains due to various services, including the packing of ships and fuel and food supplies.
On the sidelines of the launch of the company’s new brand identity, Chairman of Mwani Qatar said that the coming period will witness the announcement of investment opportunities in the interest of the main ports in Qatar, in addition to other external opportunities that currently being studied.
The Minister also revealed the launch of new maritime lines, including a line between Qatar and Kenya, which will start next month, in addition to other new lines that will be launched in the near future.
On the progress of work in Doha Port, the Minister said that the deepening of the port’s basin and the development of berths for tourism vessels will be completed in 2019, adding that the rest of the development work will be completed before 2022.
Also, he added that the first phase and 50 percent of the second phase of the work in Al-Ruwais Port have been completed, pointing out that the third phase is not needed at the moment as the current capacity of the port is enough.
The Minister stressed that Qatar has been witnessing a remarkable development boom in various sectors, especially in ports and logistics sector, which has played a major role in enhancing Qatar’s global competitiveness in the field of maritime transport and operation of ports.
He added that Mwani Qatar’s new identity aims at consolidating these achievements and establish an important start towards universality, contributing to open new horizons of growth and continuous improvement, supporting the company strength and solidifying its position to become in the forefront of maritime institutions working in the field of ports and logistics in the region and beyond.
Each phase of development has its own distinctive and expressive logo, the design of Mwani Qatar’s new logo takes into account the reality of the new phase of the maritime transport sector in the country and the great progress it has made in the recent period, he said.
“For more than 9 years, Mwani Qatar has achieved many accomplishments not only on the operational side but also in all economic, human, social and environmental aspects, and has proved itself as a key player in the shipping industry by showing its intent through the successful operations at Hamad Port, Doha Port and Al-Ruwais Port, this is in addition to its efforts to supporting the local industries’ competitiveness making Qatar more resilient to the global economic environment changes.” the Minister added.
The Minister said that the company has also contributed to the enhancement of the tourism sector in Qatar.
He said, “From June 2017 until the end of August 2018, the volume of container handling at Hamad Port increased by 366 percent, general cargo handling soared by 450 percent and the number of vessels grew by 70 percent.”
The Minister added, “The port currently connects more than 40 ports with over 24 shipping services and offers a wide range of guaranteed and reliable options for its customers. It also plays a major role in securing the needs of local markets and projects implemented by the state, securing access of Qatari products to the global markets, thus enhancing global confidence in Qatar and its products.”
CEO of Mwani Qatar Captain Abdulla Al Khanji said that Mwani Qatar’s new identity reflects the substantial development achieved by Qatari Ports under our wise government and the continuous efforts to keep up with the modern trends, adding that this represents a major step forward to modernity, which in turn puts Mwani Qatar among the international brands, confirming the company’s commitment to its customers and to the Qatari economy.
The new identity comes in line with the future aspirations and in line with the strategic direction of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, aiming at strengthening the company’s position and consolidating its regional and international presence as a leading integrated port and logistics services provider with absolute commitment to quality and international standards for security, safety and environmental protection, Al Khanji pointed out.
He noted that Mwani Qatar’s new website takes into account the use of the latest web technologies in order to ensure better services to beneficiaries and visitors both internally and externally, adding that the new website is a comprehensive interactive digital platform for all news and information related to the company and the services it provides in its facilities (Hamad Port, Doha Port, Al-Ruwais Port and Container Terminal Management Station).
السليطي: ميناء حمد يستقبل 1.5 مليون حاوية نمطية
قال سعادة السيد جاسم بن سيف السليطي وزير المواصلات والاتصالات، إن ميناء حمد استحوذ على 28% من حجم التجارة في الشرق الأوسط، وهو دليل وبرهان على نجاح البنية التحتية لدولة قطر. مؤكداً على أن نسبة مساهمة ميناء حمد في حجم التجارة بالدولة من جانب الصادرات والواردات تصل إلى 95%، ونسبة مساهمة المجال الجوي عبر مطار حمد الدولي تتراوح بين 3.5% إلى 4%، ومساهمة ميناء الرويس تتراوح بين 1.5% إلى 2%، كما أنه يُعدّ رافداً أساسياً لتدفق السلع والبضائع إلى الدولة.
وأشار إلى أن ميناء حمد استقبل حتى الآن أكثر من 1.5 مليون حاوية نمطية، وهي نسبة كان متوقعاً الوصول إليها في عام 2021، كما أنه استقبل ما يزيد على 100 مليون طن من البضائع السائلة وأكثر من مليون رأس من الثروة الحيوانية من الأغنام والمواشي، علاوة على استقبال السيارات وغيرها من البضائع والسلع والمختلفة.
ولفت سعادته إلى أن بداية الحصار شهدت ارتفاعاً طفيفاً في بعض أسعار المنتجات خلال أول أسبوعين، ولكن الآن الأسعار أقل من بداية الحصار، كما أنها أقل من نظيراتها في الدول المجاورة. مشدداً على أهمية وصول البضائع والمنتجات إلى الدولة مباشرة وفي زمن قياسي. لافتاً إلى أن هذه الإنجازات جاءت نتيجة لتضافر الجهود من قبل القيادة الحكيمة لدولة قطر والمسؤولين والعاملين كافة.;