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Qatar Airways backs Moscow art fair

«القطرية» تشارك في معرض كوزموسكو الدولي للفن المعاصر

Qatar Airways is the main partner of the Cosmoscow International Contemporary Art Fair, which begins today in Moscow.

This collaboration is one of many between Qatar and Russia, who are this year jointly celebrating the Year of Culture Qatar-Russia 2018, and highlights the airline’s belief in art as a universal language with the power to unite people across cultures.

The four-day event features a special exhibition entitled ‘What We are Made Of’ showcasing the work of pioneering Qatari artists using a variety of materials, including dried palm leaf, wood, steel, aluminium and concrete.

The second portion of the exhibition will feature a selection of sculptures and installations by leading contemporary Qatari female artists.

Qatar Airways Group chief executive Akbar al-Baker, said: “As an airline, we believe that art is a universal language, with the power to unite people from different communities, and an important element in connecting societies. Our five-year partnership with the Cosmoscow International Contemporary Art Fair, which was signed in March 2018, is an important part of our celebration of the Year Of Culture Qatar-Russia 2018. We look forward to celebrating this important event on the international art calendar and to bringing more travellers to Russia.”

Launched in 2010, by art historian, young Russian artists’ patron and collector Margarita Pushkina, the Cosmoscow International Contemporary Art Fair aims to unite the Russian contemporary art market by bringing together Russian and International collectors, galleries and artists.

The event is Russia’s only international art fair, taking place every September with its own place on the international art calendar.

Pushkina, the founding director of Cosmoscow International Contemporary Art Fair and Founder of Cosmoscow Foundation for Contemporary Art, said: “We are honoured to contribute to the process of strengthening cultural dialogue between Qatar and Russia and to introduce Cosmoscow guests to the work of important Qatari artists.

“I am extremely grateful to our main partner Qatar Airways and curator Reem Fadda for making this first exhibition of Qatari contemporary art in Russia possible.”

Qatar Airways is renowned for is celebration of the arts, seen most notably at its home and hub, Hamad International Airport, which features many unique artistic installations such as the symbolic Lamp Bear by the Swiss artist Urs Fischer and the more recent installation by the French artist Jean-Michel Othoniel, entitled Cosmos: a representation of the globe echoing the paths of the travellers around the planet.

Qatar Airways reaffirmed its commitment to Russia last year, with the launch of direct flights to St Petersburg. In addition to the daily flights to Russia’s cultural capital, Qatar Airways also operates three daily flights between Moscow and Doha.

In May 2017, the award-winning airline announced its sponsorship with FIFA as the official partner and official airline of FIFA until 2022.

The airline recently saw the conclusion of a very successful FIFA 2018 World Cup Russia, an event which united fans from around the world through a shared love of football.

The airline’s cargo division offers more than 125 tonnes of belly-hold cargo capacity each week from the Russian cities of St Petersburg and Moscow.

Qatar Airways Cargo has special solutions in place for the transportation of art shipments, ensuring precious and priceless art pieces are transported with care and precision.

The cargo carrier offers scheduled as well as charter services for a wide variety of products to a global network.

أعلنت الخطوط الجوية القطرية عن مشاركتها في معرض «كوزموسكو» الدولي للفن المعاصر بوصفها شريكاً رئيسياً، وذلك ضمن إيمانها بأن الفنون لغة عالمية لديها القوة على توحيد الشعوب. وستُقام فعاليات المعرض من السادس وحتى التاسع من شهر سبتمبر في مدينة موسكو.

وتُعدّ مشاركة «القطرية» في المعرض وجهاً من أوجه التعاون بين مختلف المؤسسات القطرية والروسية، من أجل الاحتفال بالعام الثقافي «قطر-روسيا 2018». وتضم نسخة هذا العام من «كوزموسكو» معرضاً خاصاً بعنوان «ما نحن عليه»، الذي يستعرض أعمالاً لمجموعة من الفنانين القطريين المصممة بواسطة أوراق النخيل والخشب والحديد والألومنيوم والصلب وغيرها من المواد. كما تضم نسخة هذا العام معرضاً للمنحوتات والتماثيل المصممة من قبل فنانات قطريات.

وتأسس معرض «كوزموسكو» الدولي للفن المعاصر في عام 2010 من قبل الفنانة الروسية الشهيرة مارغريتا بوشكينا، بهدف جمع مختلف الفنون والفنانين والمعارض من روسيا ومختلف أنحاء العالم تحت سقف واحد. ويُعدّ المعرض هو الوحيد من نوعه الذي يُنظّم في روسيا، ويُقام في شهر سبتمبر من كل عام.;

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