NU-Q communication director wins award
مدير اتصال «نورثويسترن» يحصد جائزة دولية
An award for leadership and media management in academia was received by the director of the Communication Programme at Northwestern University in Qatar (NU-Q), it was announced.
Gregory Ferrell Lowe was recognised by the European Media Management Association (EMMA) for his contributions in scholarship, leadership, and community development in the field of media management.
The 2018 Award for Excellence in Media Management Scholarship and Practice is awarded annually by the association, an international academic organisation that supports the development of media management research throughout the world.
“Professor Lowe’s expertise in the field of media management and his involvement in its global development has been – and continues – to be recognised by his peers,” said NU-Q dean and CEO Everette E Dennis.
“His experience in media management will play a key role as NU-Q continues to enhance its curriculum and develop new courses that incorporate new research in the field,” he added.
Lowe has decades of experience in both academe and corporate media management. Prior to joining NU-Q, Lowe was a professor of media management at the University of Tampere in Finland.
He also taught at George Washington University in Washington, DC, and has held visiting appointments at the Vienna University of Applied Sciences, J?nk?ping International Business School in Sweden, the University of Nevada at Reno, the University of Tallinn in Estonia, and the University of Westminster in the UK.
Lowe also served as a senior adviser for corporate strategy and development at Yle Finland, the country’s national public broadcasting company.
EMMA president Ulrike Rohn said that Lowe “has significantly contributed to the research and development of European public service broadcasting.”
Lowe holds a PhD in radio-television-film from the University of Texas at Austin and an MA in mass communication from Ohio State University. He is the author of 10 edited books and e-Books.
حصل البروفيسور غريغوري فيريل لو، مدير برنامج الاتصال في جامعة نورثويسترن في قطر، على جائزة القيادة وإدارة الإعلام في الحقل الأكاديمي، من اتحاد إدارة الإعلام الأوروبي المعروف اختصاراً باسم «EMAA»، نظير مساهماته البارزة في برامج المنح والقيادة وتنمية المجتمع في مجال إدارة الإعلام. وتعد الجائزة، التي تُقدم سنوياً، جائزة أكاديمية دولية تدعم تطوير البحوث في إدارة الإعلام في مختلف أنحاء العالم. وذكر البروفيسور غريغوري فيريل لو: إن حصوله على الجائزة مفاجأة وتشريف يسعده دون شك. لافتاً إلى أن اتحاد إدارة الإعلام الأوروبي «EMAA» هو الاتحاد المؤسسي الوحيد في مجال إدارة الإعلام والاقتصاديات، وقد لعب دوراً رائداً في تطوير هذا المجال على مدار الـ 15 عاماً الماضية.;