![Chinese phone warns of price war on global market Chinese phone warns of price war on global market](https://wgoqatar.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/8201825210481-780x405.jpg)
Chinese phone warns of price war on global market
هاتف صيني جديد ينذر بحرب أسعار عالمية
China’s Xiaomei introduced a new smartphone with advanced features and affordable price under a brand new brand.
Xiaomei delivered its new phone Poco F1 with the latest Snape Dragon (a sophisticated processor manufactured by Qualcomm America), a larger battery than 4000 mA and a random eight GB RAM.
Same specifications as the Galaxy 9Note phone, but the Bucco F1 will be much cheaper, even compared to other competing units (reasonable price) when sold in India.
An expert said the launch would force other companies to rethink their prices. “There is the best Qualcomm processor you can get now, while the device costs about half the price of other competing devices,” said Mike Lowe, editor of the Jeep-Lint website.
“It’s very powerful with a large battery, and consumers targeting the company will not worry too much about the size of the big phone.”
He explained that the Chinese company is trying to keep its hegemony on the Indian market and to enter other regions.
Boko F1
is sold with random 6GB RAM and 64GB of internal storage, for Rs 20,000 and Rs 999 (approximately $ 300).
The advanced version with synthetic fiber background, random memory and storage capacity is approximately 29,999 rupees ($ 430).
According to local reports, the closest competitors are the new Wan Plus 6, Asus Zain iPhone 5 Z phone devices.
But competing phones are much more expensive and prices range from 34,000 to 999 rupees and 43,000 to 999 rupees.
There is no rival to this new phone, but another Chinese phone produced by the Huawei Chinese, Honor Play and the price range between 19 thousand and 999 rs and 23 thousand and 999 rs, but the specification is much lower.
The launch of the phone was confirmed in India on August 29, but the company confirmed its intention to place it in 50 other countries.
“New Markets”
An expert said Europe could be on the list of target areas.
Ian Fogg, mobile analyst at OpenSignal, commented that “Xiaome is now turning to markets it has not addressed and talking with mobile operators.”
“They are now using Qualcomm chipset, which operators feel comfortable handling, which makes their products more attractive to them,” he said.
Unlike South and South East Asia, where many phones are sold directly to consumers, Europe sells most phones through operators.
Xiaomei managed to reduce the price of the phone
The company used an old five-year version of gorilla glass, Corning’s American production (a repfast glass), three generations older than the company’s latest glass.
The phone cameras also do not have the optical image stabilizer function (OIS).
But it runs Android games that need a powerful processor without any problems, and the phone is not heated by hand due to liquid cooling.
Sales Jump
Xiaomei launched its new phone at a time when she returned to the track of rising sales.
After retiring and lagging behind domestic competitors in 2016, the company announced that it had received a push forward very quickly . ”
Since then, Xiaomei has recovered its strength and is now the fourth in the world among the best-selling phone companies, and its best-selling phone
Market research company says that Xiaomei’s success is partly due to increased sales through real-time stores in the market, while retaining its dominance in cyberspace.
The announcement of the new phone coincides with the unveiling of the first set of financial results since its IPO in Hong Kong in June.
The figures showed a net profit of 14.63 billion yuan (2.1 billion yuan), compared to a net loss of 11.97 billion yuan for the same period in 2017.
The company said sales increased by 68 percent during the year Most of the popularity of its smartphones.
كشفت شركة “شياومي” الصينية النقاب عن هاتف ذكي جديد بمميزات عالية وسعر رخيص، تحت علامة تجارية جديدة.
وزودت “شياومي” هاتفها الجديد “بوكو أف1” (Poco F1) بأحدث إصدار من شريحة سناب دراجون (وهو معالج متطور من إنتاج شركة “كوالكوم” الأميركية)، بالإضافة إلى بطارية أكبر من المعتاد بقوة 4 آلاف مللي أمبير، وذاكرة عشوائية 8 جيجابايت رام.
وهي مواصفات هاتف “جلاكسي نوت 9” نفسها، لكن “بوكو أف1” سيكون أرخص كثيراً حتى مقارنة بأجهزة أخرى منافسة (معقولة السعر) عند بيعه في الهند.
وقال أحد الخبراء إن إطلاق الهاتف قد يُجبر شركات أخرى على إعادة التفكير في أسعارها.
وقال مايك لوي، محرر موقع “جيب-لينت” الذي قام باختبار الجهاز: “يوجد أفضل معالج (كوالكوم) يمكنك الحصول عليه الآن، بينما تكلفة الجهاز حوالي نصف سعر أجهزة منافسة أخرى”.