![Team Qatar swimmers off to UK for historic attempt Team Qatar swimmers off to UK for historic attempt](https://wgoqatar.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/7201818192080-780x405.jpg)
Team Qatar swimmers off to UK for historic attempt
قطريون يخوضون تحدي عبور المانش
Team Qatar Channel Swim headed for the UK on Wednesday as they prepared for their historic attempt to swim across the English Channel, the first of its kind by Qatari athletes.
The team made up of seven Qatari amateur athletes is expected to make the attempt at some point between July 20 and 27.
The exact date and start time will be decided according to weather and swimming conditions, as factors such as strong tides, wind and channel traffic can make a great difference for the team during the journey that can see them swimming for 40-50km on relay basis, according to a press statement.
The team members are Dr Faleh Mohamed Ali, Dr Mohamed al-Kuwari, Dr Jamal Rashid al-Khanji, Dr Khalid al-Jalham, professoe Nasser al-Mohannadi, Fahad al-Buenain and Talal al-Emadi.
They all have full-time jobs in fields like medicine, engineering, marketing, business administration and law, but they share a passion for endurance and adventurous sports, and their aim is to encourage the Qatari community to take on sports and lead a healthy lifestyle.
Dr Ali, 52, who works in the healthcare sector, founded the team earlier this year after being inspired by a documentary about a TV anchor who swam across the English Channel to raise funds for his community.
“We want to prove to our community that practising sports is possible, whatever the circumstances. All members of our team have busy work schedules and family responsibilities, but they decided to make practising sport an integral part of their lives. Being a member of the first ever Qatari team to attempt to swim across the English Channel is a great honour. It is an extremely difficult attempt, but we have prepared well for it and we will do our best to make our country proud”.
Swimming across the English Channel – also known as ‘La Manche’ in French – is one of the most difficult physical challenges on earth and that is why it has fascinated adventure seekers from all around the world since British captain Matthew made the first successful crossing in 1875.
Only around 1,500 solo swimmers and 760 teams have recorded successful attempts since then, with thousands more failing, mainly due to the gruesome conditions they have faced, and the strict rules set up by the Channel Swim Association (CSA), the organisation responsible for observing and authenticating cross-Channel swims.
The 560km channel separating England and France, and linking the North Sea with the Atlantic Ocean, is the world’s busiest waterway, with more than 600 vessels and 200 ferries passing through it every day.
The swimmers must be escorted by a CSA-certified captain and boat during their attempt, and they will not only need to swim in cold waters that can reach as low as 10C during the swim season, but will also have to deal with other possible hazards such as strong tides, cold wind, waves, oil slicks, jelly fish, fog and possible rain or lightning.
According to CSA rules, each member of Team Qatar Channel Swim will need to swim for at least an hour, and the order of swimmers must not change during the attempt. If one member dropped out due to any reason, the whole attempt, which might take between 20 and 30 hours, will be cancelled.
“We all need to be fully fit, swimming in cold water is gruesome, it takes a heavy toll on your body, we will need to eat special meals during the attempt, which works on heating the body from inside. The CSA rules are very strict, you can never touch the boat, and food will be thrown to you through a very fine thread, that must not be stretched at any moment, if it is slightly pulled, the attempt will be considered void,” explained Dr Ali.
Team Qatar Channel Swim will kick off their attempt on the English side, at or near Shakespeare’s Cliff or Samphire Hoe (between Folkestone and Dover), and their aim is to reach the French side, at or near Cap Gris Nez (between Boulogne and Calais). The exact location will be decided later, and the team will be escorted on the Channel by the vessel Rowena captained by Pete Reed.
The team’s preparations for the historic attempt started in January, and included intensive training camps in Qatar, Croatia and UK under the guidance of two very experienced coaches; head coach and team director Ryan Bowd and channel swim coach Tim Denyer.
The gold partners of Team Qatar Channel Swim are Al Asmakh Real Estate Development and BMI Fitness, with the list of sponsors also including Al Kass Channel (media partner), PRO-TV Qatar (communication partner) and Intaleq (technology partner).
One can know more details about Team Qatar Channel Swim members and follow all the updates regarding the historic attempt through the official website – www.swimqa.org – and social media pages: Twitter (www.twitter.com/swimqa), Facebook (www.facebook.com/swimqa), Instagram (www.instagram.com/swimqa) and Snapchat (www.snapchat.com/add/swimqa).
توجه فريق قطر لعبور المانش إلى بريطانيا اليوم استعداداً لخوض تحدي السباحة عبر بحر المانش، المعروفة أيضاً باسم القناة الإنجليزية، في محاولة هي الأولى من نوعها في تاريخ الرياضة القطرية.
ويضم الفريق سبعة أفراد هم :الدكتور فالح علي والدكتور محمد جهام الكواري والدكتور جمال راشد الخنجي والدكتور خالد الجلهم والدكتور ناصر المهندي ،بالإضافة للمغامرين فهد البوعينين وطلال العمادي.
وقرر هؤلاء الرياضيون غير المحترفين، خوض تحدٍ من أصعب التحديات البدنية في العالم بهدف تشجيع المجتمع القطري على ممارسة الرياضة وتسليط الضوء على أهمية اتخاذ أسلوب حياة صحي.
وسيخوض الفريق المحاولة خلال الفترة من 20-27 يوليو الجاري ، حيث سيتم اختيار يوم وموعد الانطلاق في وقت لاحق بحسب الظروف الجوية وعوامل أخرى مهمة مثل قوة التيارات البحرية وحركة الملاحة في القناة ، علماً أنهم سيحتاجون إلى أكثر من 20 ساعة من أجل قطع مسافة قد تتراوح بين 40-50 كلم بنظام التتابع.
ويعتبر عبور بحر المانش الاختبار الأكثر صعوبة لأي سباح في العالم ، ولهذا ألهم هذا التحدي الكثير من المغامرين عبر التاريخ منذ أن سجل البريطاني ماثيو ويب أول محاولة ناجحة عام 1875. ولكن منذ ذلك الوقت لم ينجح سوى ما يقارب 1500 سباح و760 فريقا في تسجيل محاولات ناجحة ، في الوقت الذي فشل فيه آلاف آخرون نظراً للظروف الطبيعية الصعبة للغاية وأيضاً للقوانين الصارمة التي حددتها هيئة سباحة القناة لاعتبار المحاولات ناجحة.
ويقع بحر المانش ، الذي يربط بحر الشمال بالمحيط الأطلسي ، بين إنجلترا وفرنسا ، وهو من أكثر القنوات المائية في العالم ازدحاماً حيث تمر به أكثر من 600 سفينة و200 عبارة يومياً ، ولذلك يلتزم السباحون بمرافقة ملاح وقارب معتمد من هيئة سباحة القناة طوال الوقت.
وبحسب قوانين هيئة سباحة القناة سيكون على كل فرد من افراد فريق قطر لعبور المانش السباحة لمدة ساعة على الأقل ، وبالتناوب المحدد قبل انطلاق المحاولة ، ولن يكون هناك إمكانية لتبادل الأدوار، كما سيتم إلغاء المحاولة بالكامل لو انسحب أي عضو من أعضاء الفريق.
وكان الفريق قد بدأ استعداداته لهذه المحاولة منذ مطلع العام الجاري في قطر، قبل أن يخوض معسكرين إعداديين في كرواتيا وإنجلترا تحت قيادة مدربين يمتلكان الكثير من الخبرة في مجال السباحة عبر المانش ، هما ريان بويد المدرب العام ومدير الفريق وتيم دينيير المدرب المتخصص في سباحة بحر المانش.