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🥅 WC2018

Henry will not put himself in the spotlight

مواجهة صعبة لتيري هنري كمساعد لروبيرتو مارتينيز المدير الفني لبلجيكا أمام بلده فرنسا.

مواجهة صعبة لتيري هنري كمساعد لروبيرتو مارتينيز المدير الفني لبلجيكا أمام بلده فرنسا.

The former France striker is an inspiration to the Belgium players but will not put himself in the spotlight as they prepare to face France in the World Cup semi-final

But suddenly there are other links to consider, too. This week Henry has been thrust into the position of trying to help those players defeat the country of his birth, for whom he won 123 caps, not to mention a World Cup and European Championship.

Henry’s presence on Belgium’s bench for their semi-final against France on Tuesday has prompted no shortage of comment from Les Bleus. “It’s bizarre,” Didier Deschamps, the coach, told Téléfoot. Olivier Giroud was more forthright. “I would be proud to show Titi that he chose the wrong camp,” he said. The striker believes it will be a “peculiar match” for Henry.

What Henry makes of it remains a mystery. Interview requests and demands to get him to a press conference were brushed aside. He prefers to leave the talking to the others. The 40-year-old does not want his massive shadow to take limelight away from those who have a bigger influence on performances.

No one in the Belgium camp carries a reputation as substantial as the former Arsenal striker’s. He is the most decorated staff member, with a Champions League and five league titles to add to those honours with France. He was – and still is – worshipped by millions of fans. He presents an image of charm, wit, intelligence and flair.

Even in Russia, 20 years after he won the World Cup, you can feel his aura. Journalists covering Belgium are starting to get slightly annoyed by it. At every press conference comes the same question. A Belgian, Dutchman, Frenchman, Spaniard or Englishman begs for the microphone and asks the player about … Belgium’s second assistant‑manager: “How does it feel to be on the pitch with him?” “What does he add to your game?” “Does his experience help you in the race to the final?”


تشهد مباريات نصف نهائي كأس العالم هذا العام مواجهة من نوع خاص بين كل من بلجيكا وفرنسا، حيث يقود المنتخب البلجيكي المدرب روبرتو مارتينيز، ويساعده أسطورة منتخب فرنسا تيري هنري.

المواجهة ستكون خاصة بكل تأكيد لنجم المنتخب الفرنسي السابق، لكن ماذا قال نجوم منتخب الديوك عن مواجهتهم لنجم كبير في الكرة الفرنسية؟

رافايل فاران قال في تصريحات لصحيفة “تيليفوت”: “كنا نفضل لو كان معنا بدلًا من أن يكون مع بلجيكا، لقد كان لاعبًا عظيمًا، الأمر سيكون غريب للغاية بالنسبة لنا أن يكون في صفوف الخصم”.



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