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Advisory Council committee discusses plight of Qatari families hit by siege

اجتماع لجنة الشؤون الداخلية والخارجية بمجلس الشورى

The Internal and External Affairs Committee of the Advisory Council held yesterday its regular weekly meeting during its 46th ordinary session chaired by its Rapporteur Abdullah bin Fahad bin Ghorab al-Marri. The Committee continued the study of the general debate request presented by the members on the harm caused to the children of divorced or widowed Qatari mothers of spouses from the siege countries. The meeting was attended by Director of the Legal Affairs Department at the Ministry of Interior Brigadier Salem Saqr al-Muraikhi, Director of the Nationality and Travel Document Department at the Ministry of Interior Brigadier Abdullah Saad al-Buainain, and Head of Social Security Department at the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs Ghanim Mubarak al-Kuwari, who explained their point of view on the above mentioned request and responded to inquiries of the Committee members.

The Committee decided to refer its recommendations thereon to the Council.

Zakat Fund distributes aid worth QR26.6mn to needy people in June

The Zakat Fund at the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs has provided QR26.6mn in aid for the eligible beneficiaries registered inside the State in June. The aid included the permanent and irregular monthly assistance, tuition fees and treatment aid, as well as the assistance allocated for Eid al-Fitr and the “Basket of Goodness” project, all of which are granted to eligible beneficiaries in accordance with Shariah rules, the Fund said in a press release. The Fund affirmed that the sums of aid are dispensed after field and office social research to make sure the people in question are eligible, and to ensure that the Zakat of the people of Qatar reach the actual beneficiaries.

عقدت لجنة الشؤون الداخلية والخارجية بمجلس الشورى، اجتماعا اليوم في دور الانعقاد العادي السادس والأربعين برئاسة مقررها السيد عبد الله بن فهد بن غراب المري.

واستكملت اللجنة دراسة طلب المناقشة العامة المقدم من السادة الأعضاء حول الضرر الواقع على أبناء الأم القطرية “المطلقات والأرامل” من أبناء دول الحصار.

حضر الاجتماع العميد سالم صقر المريخي مدير إدارة الشؤون القانونية بوزارة الداخلية والعميد عبد الله سعد البوعينين مدير إدارة الجنسية ووثائق السفر بوزارة الداخلية والسيد غانم مبارك الكواري مدير إدارة الضمان الاجتماعي بوزارة التنمية الإدارية والعمل والشؤون الاجتماعية حيث قاموا بشرح وجهة نظرهم حول طلب المناقشة العامة المذكور، والإجابة عن استفسارات السادة أعضاء اللجنة المتصلة به.

وقررت اللجنة رفع توصياتها بشأنه إلى مجلس الشورى.

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