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NHRC calls for release of Qatari citizen detained by Saudi

اللجنة الوطنية لحقوق الإنسان تدين القبض على مواطن قطري من قبل السلطات السعودية

Doha: Qatar National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) condemned in the strongest terms the detention of Qatari citizen Mohsen Saleh Saadoun al-Karbi, who was on his way to visit his family and relatives in Yemen.

He was arrested by the Saudi-led coalition forces at the border between Yemen and Oman on 21 April 2018, without explaining on what charges he was detained.

NHRC called on all international human rights bodies and organizations to intervene quickly to release the Qatari national who was arbitrarily detained by the Saudi authorities.

Full text of the statement

Statement of the National Human Rights Committee in Qatar No. 04/2018
On the arrest and arbitrary detention of the Qatari citizen, Mohsen Saleh Saadoun Al-Karbi by the Saudi authorities

In continuation of the series of human rights violations committed by the countries of the blockade against the State of Qatar and its citizens, and its practices that violate all international human rights conventions, instruments and norms, Qatar National Human Rights Committee condemns in the strongest terms the arrest of Mohsen Saleh Saadoun al-Karbi, Qatari citizen who has been arrested Republic of Yemen by the Saudi-led Arab coalition in Yemen at Shahn border crossing point with Sultanate of Oman on April 21st 2018, during his visit to his family and relatives, and without any charges made against him.
Qatar National Human Rights Committee also condemns the arbitrary detention of the aforesaid citizen by the Saudi authorities and the denial of contact with his family or his lawyer since then. His family does not know the place of his detention specifically, nor the charges made against him; in addition to being at risk of torture and other forms of ill-treatment in violation of relevant international human rights conventions.
Accordingly, Qatar National Human Rights Commission calls upon all international human rights bodies and organizations and the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention to promptly intervene to release the aforesaid citizen, and calls upon the Saudi authorities to disclose his legal status and to immediately allow him to communicate with his family and lawyers. The NHRC also calls on the Saudi authorities to ensure that he is not subjected to torture or other ill-treatment, receive any medical care he may need, and speed his release. The NHRC holds the Saudi authorities fully responsible for his security and safety.

أدانت اللجنة الوطنية لحقوق الإنسان بدولة قطر القبض على المواطن القطري محسن صالح سعدون الكربي من قبل القوات السعودية في (منفذ/ شحن الحدودي) الواقع بين الجمهورية اليمنية وسلطنة عمان بتاريخ 21 من أبريل الماضي.

وقالت اللجنة في بيان لها اليوم “ندين بأشد العبارات احتجاز هذا المواطن القطري تعسفياً وحرمانه من الاتصال بأسرته أو محاميه منذ ذلك الحين وحتى الآن، من قبل السلطات السعودية، بالإضافة إلى عجز أسرته وذويه عن تحديد مكان احتجازه، أو التهمة الموجهة إليه. عدا عن كونه عرضة لخطر التعذيب وغيره من أشكال سوء المعاملة المخالفة للاتفاقيات الدولية ذات الصلة بحقوق الإنسان”.

ودعت اللجنة كافة الهيئات والجهات والمنظمات الدولية المعنية بحقوق الإنسان، والفريق المعني بمسألة الاحتجاز التعسفي، إلى سرعة التدخل لإطلاق سراحه ، مطالبة السلطات السعودية بالكشف عن الوضع القانوني للمواطن القطري محسن صالح سعدون الكربي، ومكان احتجازه، بأسرع وقت، فضلاً عن السماح له بالاتصال بأسرته ومحاميه على وجه السرعة، وحصوله على الرعاية الطبية التي قد يحتاجها، وإلى سرعة الإفراج عنه.

وحملت اللجنة الوطنية لحقوق الإنسان السلطات السعودية المسؤولية الكاملة بشأن أمنه وسلامته، في حال تعرضه للتعذيب أو غيره من ضروب سوء المعاملة.

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