beIN Media Group expand offering with 3 new Fox entertainment channels
إضافة 3 قنوات جديدة من باقة فوكس إلى beIN
Doha: Global entertainment leaders Fox Networks Group (FNG) and beIN Media Group (beIN) announced yesterday the addition of three new thrilling Fox entertainment channels to the beIN platform.
This expansion strengthens beIN’s position as the premium family entertainment platform while increasing FNG’s offering to more viewers across the region. Created especially for the region, the three channels offer the best of curated global content and locally produced content for Middle East and North Africa audiences.
Filled with fresh, engaging content in HD, FOX Life, FOX Rewayat and FOX Crime feature an exciting new line up of entertainment programs about food, travel, home and wellness; as well as offering the best dramas from around the world and unique crime and investigation shows.
The new Fox entertainment channels will be available on beIN’s Entertainment, Complete and Elite packages. With this addition, beIN will now host a total of 15 FOX channels of pure entertainment whilst offering the largest, most diverse portfolio on Pay TV across the region.
Sanjay Raina, General Manager and Senior Vice-President of FNG, said, “The recently launched FOX channels have been especially curated to meet the region’s preferences. We wanted to make them available to millions of viewers across Middle East and North Africa, and we are proud to partner with beIN Media Group for this to happen.”
“The addition of three channels reflects our growing investment and commitment, with our partner beIN, to deliver the best and most diverse programming to our audiences. With exciting local productions and the best of global content, our viewers on beIN will be spoilt for choice,” he added. beIN intends to expand its content acquisition and feature the very best of Hollywood content for its subscribers, and these three new world-class FOX entertainment channels are evidence of that strategy.
Celebrating the deep partnership and launching the new channels, Yousef Al Obaidly, CEO of beIN Media Group, said: “We are delighted to announce the addition of FOX Crime HD, FOX Rewayat HD, and FOX Life HD to our ever-expanding entertainment offer. These new channels demonstrate our commitment to constantly entertain millions of families across the Middle East & North Africa region, as we continue to offer the best in sports and entertainment all at the touch of a button.
“The 97 premium entertainment and sports channels now on offer for our beIN Mena subscribers are testament to the effort and investment made by beIN Media Group in the region, firmly establishing beIN as the leading entertainment and sports platform in Mena and one of the most ambitious networks in the world.”
Doha: Global entertainment leaders Fox Networks Group (FNG) and beIN Media Group (beIN) announced yesterday the addition of three new thrilling Fox entertainment channels to the beIN platform.
This expansion strengthens beIN’s position as the premium family entertainment platform while increasing FNG’s offering to more viewers across the region. Created especially for the region, the three channels offer the best of curated global content and locally produced content for Middle East and North Africa audiences.
Filled with fresh, engaging content in HD, FOX Life, FOX Rewayat and FOX Crime feature an exciting new line up of entertainment programs about food, travel, home and wellness; as well as offering the best dramas from around the world and unique crime and investigation shows.
The new Fox entertainment channels will be available on beIN’s Entertainment, Complete and Elite packages. With this addition, beIN will now host a total of 15 FOX channels of pure entertainment whilst offering the largest, most diverse portfolio on Pay TV across the region.
Sanjay Raina, General Manager and Senior Vice-President of FNG, said, “The recently launched FOX channels have been especially curated to meet the region’s preferences. We wanted to make them available to millions of viewers across Middle East and North Africa, and we are proud to partner with beIN Media Group for this to happen.”
“The addition of three channels reflects our growing investment and commitment, with our partner beIN, to deliver the best and most diverse programming to our audiences. With exciting local productions and the best of global content, our viewers on beIN will be spoilt for choice,” he added. beIN intends to expand its content acquisition and feature the very best of Hollywood content for its subscribers, and these three new world-class FOX entertainment channels are evidence of that strategy.
Celebrating the deep partnership and launching the new channels, Yousef Al Obaidly, CEO of beIN Media Group, said: “We are delighted to announce the addition of FOX Crime HD, FOX Rewayat HD, and FOX Life HD to our ever-expanding entertainment offer. These new channels demonstrate our commitment to constantly entertain millions of families across the Middle East & North Africa region, as we continue to offer the best in sports and entertainment all at the touch of a button.
“The 97 premium entertainment and sports channels now on offer for our beIN Mena subscribers are testament to the effort and investment made by beIN Media Group in the region, firmly establishing beIN as the leading entertainment and sports platform in Mena and one of the most ambitious networks in the world.”
أعلنت كل من مجموعة شبكات فوكس الرائدة في مجال الترفيه ومجموعة beIN الإعلامية، الرائدة في عالم الترفيه والرياضة بمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا عن إضافة ثلاث قنوات من باقة “فوكس” إلى مجموعة قنواتها وهي FOX Crime HD، FOX Rewayat HD و FOX Life HD“ حيث تُقدم هذه القنوات آلاف الساعات من المحتوى الجديد الذي تم تدشينه خصيصًا من أجل المُشاهدين بالشرق الأوسط.
وقال السيد سانجايراينا، مدير عام ونائب رئيس “مجموعة شبكات فوكس”، إن:” منطقة الشرق الأوسط تُمثل أهمية كبيرة لمجموعة شبكة فوكس، إذ إن إضافة القنوات الثلاث الجديدة تعكس مدى تزايد استثمارنا وإلتزامنا مع شُركائنا beIN لجلب أفضل العروض التلفزيونية لمُشاهدينا في قطر والشرق الأوسط وذلك بعرض آلاف الساعات من المُحتوى المُميز وتدشين جيل جديد من برامج تلفزيون الواقع المحلية وفقًا للمعايير العالمية، حيث سيتمتع مُشاهدنا على beIN برفاهية الاختيار.
وبدوره، قال السيد يوسف العبيدلي، الرئيس التنفيذي لمجموعة beIN الإعلامية: “يسعدنا أن نعلن عن إضافة قنوات FOX Crime HD و FOXRewayat HD و FOX Life HD إلى عروض باقاتنا الترفيهية التي نقوم بالعمل على إثرائها،
وذلك لتعزيز شراكتنا مع مجموعة شبكة فوكس التلفزيونية FOX Networks Group، وهذا دليل على مدى التزامنا بتقديم أفضل تجربة عالمية في مجال الرياضة والترفيه لمشتركينا وذلك بمجرد الضغط على الزر.
وأضاف أن القنوات الترفيهية والرياضية، والـبالغ عددها 97 قناة والتي نقدمها حالياً لمشتركي beIN MENA بمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، هي برهان على الجهود المبذولة، وأهمية الاستثمار الذي تقوم به مجموعة beIN الإعلامية بالمنطقة، الأمر الذي بدوره يرسّخ مكانة شبكة beIN القوية كمنصة رائدة للترفيه والرياضة في المنطقة، إضافة إلى كونها إحدى أكثر الشبكات طموحاً في هذا المجال”.