Nine vessels to strengthen coastal security
“الداخلية” توقع مذكرة تفاهم مع تركيا لشراء 9 زوارق بحرية
DOHA: The Ministry of Interior (MoI), represented by the General Directorate of Coasts and Borders Security, yesterday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Turkeys Ares Shipyard to provide nine marine vessels to enhance the capabilities of the Coast Guard and the Qatari border forces.
The MoU was signed in the course the sixth edition of the Doha International Maritime Defence Exhibition and Conference (Dimdex).
The Director of Coasts and Borders Security Staff Brig. (Navy) Ali Ahmed Al Badeed, said that this deal is part of the agreements signed earlier by the Directorate in order to enhance its capabilities in carrying out its security tasks, securing the territorial waters of the state of Qatar and developing the Directorate.
He pointed out that it was agreed to buy nine vessels of different sizes, including three vessels with a length of 48 meters, and six vessels with a length of 24 meters used to support the capabilities of Qatari forces while conducting special operations within the territorial waters of the state of Qatar and the protection of marine vital installations for oil and gas, as well as supporting Qatari forces patrols.
The Director of Coasts and Borders Security said that these vessels will enhance the presence of coastal security forces for all 24 hours in the Qatari territorial waters, adding that these vessels include the latest technology of marine boats, including surveillance cameras and radars, which helps the Coast Guard forces to have comprehensive coverage of all coasts of the state of Qatar.
The Doha International Maritime Defence Exhibition & Conference (DIMDEX 2018) hosted last night an official gala dinner in the presence of the Qatari Chief of Staff Major General (Pilot) Ghanim bin Shaheen al Ghanim, at Sheraton Grand Doha Resort & Convention Hotel.
The gala dinner saw the presenting of ceremonial shields to naval ship commanders of visiting warships including the Qatari Fast attack craft HUWAR (Q05); the Destroyer INS KOLKATA of the Indian Navy; the Frigate BNS BANGABANDHU of the Bangladesh Navy; the Frigate CARLO MARGOTTINI from Italy; the Destroyer USS SAMPSON (DDG-102) of the US Navy; the RFA CARDIGAN Bay and HMS MIDDLETON of the Royal Navy of the UK; the KASSAB Fast attack craft from Oman; and the Fast attack missile craft PNS HIMMAT and Maritme Patrol Vessel PMSS BASOL from Pakistan.
At the dinner, Major General Abdullah bin Hassan Al Sulaiti, Commander of the Qatar Emiri Naval Forces, delivered a speech welcoming the esteemed guests attending Dimdex 2018 official gala dinner, in which he hopes would offer a fruitful networking opportunity in a friendly atmosphere.
Commander of the Qatar Emiri Naval Forces added it ultimately increases engagement to reach the desired common goals and objectives.
Major General Al Sulaiti said: “DIMDEX 2018 has expanded to be become one of the biggest international maritime events focusing on naval security and defence, as well as becoming a leading event that provides a networking platform for industry professionals and experts, senior officials and dignitaries from Defence Ministries across the Middle East and North Africa, and other parts of the world.”
Barzan Holdings, the first defence and security company responsible for empowering the military capabilities of the Qatar Armed Forces in the State of Qatar, has successfully signed multiple agreements with leading international defence and security companies around the world.
The signings took place at DIMDEX 2018.
Barzan Holdings signed an agreement with Italian company Beretta Holding, to create a JV named “Bindig,” the Qatari word for rifle. The JV is the first time Beretta Holding has established a JV in the Middle East, and Bindig will manufacture pistols and rifles under the Bindig name in Qatar, for use by the Qatar Armed Forces and other security and governmental entities. Barzan Holdings signed an agreement with Turkish company BMC, that specializes in military vehicles.
Barzan Holdings has partnered with major US defence contractor Raytheon to power the Qatar Cyber Academy. The Academy will train Qataris undergoing their national service, and also open its services to the public sector, to better understand cyber security and protect themselves from potential cyber security threats.
Barzan Holdings signed an agreement with Norwegian company Kongsberg, to create a JV called “BK Systems.” BK Systems will specialize in military communications systems, navigations systems and weapons manufacture.
Barzan Holdings signed an agreement with Turkish company Sur International and the Qatar Amiri Guard, to create a JV called “QSur.” QSur will manufacture high-end military uniforms, and uniform accessories.
Barzan Holdings has a JV agreement with Qinetiq from the UK, a leading provider of military consultancy services, to create “BQ Solutions.” During DIMDEX, BQ Solutions signed an agreement with the Qatari Emiri Navy under which BQ Solutions will advise the Navy on best strategies and practices in “blue water” and transformational activities.
Barzan Holdings signed a JV agreement with large German defence company Rheinmetall AG and the agreement creates a JV called Rheinmetall Barzan Advanced Technologies (RBAT) that will develop an ammunition manufacturing base in Qatar, provide security for strategic venues and critical infrastructure in Qatar, and develop research in UGV (unmanned ground vehicle) and HEL (high energy lazer) technology.
Barzan Holdings signed agreements with two Turkish companies: Aselsan and SStek, to create a JV called “Barq.” Barq will engage in developing and producing electro optic equipment, crypto technology and research related to remote weapon platforms.
Barzan Holdings signed an agreement with US company Wilcox, specializing in weapons manufacturing, plus electro optic gun technology. Barzan has also signed an MoU with Turkish company SSM, to work on joint R&D projects between Qatar and Turkey for knowledge exchange.
By Sidi Mohamed | The Peninsula
وقعت وزارة الداخلية ممثلة في الإدارة العامة لأمن السواحل والحدود اليوم، مذكرة تفاهم مع شركة “اريس ترسا تشليلك” التركية لتوفير تسعة زوارق بحرية سريعة لتعزيز قدرات قوات أمن السواحل والحدود القطرية وذلك ضمن فعاليات النسخة السادسة من معرض ومؤتمر الدوحة الدولي للدفاع البحري “ديمدكس 2018”.
وبهذه المناسبة قال العميد ركن بحري علي أحمد البديد مدير عام الإدارة العامة لأمن السواحل والحدود إن هذه الصفقة تعد ضمن الصفقات التي وقعتها الإدارة سابقا بهدف تعزيز قدراتها في القيام بمهامها الأمنية وتأمين المياه الإقليمية للدولة ولتطوير الإدارة .
وأشار إلى أنه تم الاتفاق على شراء تسعة زوارق مختلفة الأحجام منها ثلاثة زوارق بطول 48 مترا ، وستة زوارق بطول 24 مترا تستخدم لدعم قدرات الفريق الخاص بالإدارة أثناء قيامه بعمليات خاصة داخل عمق المياه الإقليمية للدولة وحماية المنشآت الحيوية البحرية الخاصة بالنفط والغاز بالإضافة إلى دعم دوريات الإدارة.
وأكد مدير عام الإدارة العامة لأمن السواحل والحدود أن هذه الزوارق ستعزز تواجد قوات أمن السواحل والحدود طوال الأربع والعشرين ساعة في المياه الإقليمية القطرية، موضحا أنها تتضمن أحدث تكنولوجيا الزوارق البحرية ومن بينها كاميرات الرصد والرادارات، مما يساعد قوات أمن السواحل في عمل تغطية شاملة لكل السواحل القطرية.