Bangladeshi passenger plane with 67 passengers crashes in Nepal
تحطم طائرة ركاب من بنغلاديش أثناء هبوطها في نيبال وإنقاذ 17 شخصا
Kathmandu: A Bangladeshi plane with 67 passengers on board crashed near Kathmandu airport Monday as it was coming in to land, officials said, as firefighters battled to extinguish the burning wreckage and rescue passengers.
Plumes of black smoke could be seen rising from the football pitch where the plane crashed, to the east of the runway at Nepal’s only international airport, in the capital Kathmandu.
“There were 67 passengers and 4 crew members” aboard the plane, said airport spokesman Prem Nath Thakur.
“So far 20 injured have been taken to the hospital. Police and army are trying to cut apart the plane to rescue others,” he added.
Live footage posted on Facebook showed the towering columns of smoke rising behind the runway, where another plane stood waiting on the tarmac.
Emergency vehicles appeared to be heading into the smoke as people watched from a distance or filmed on their mobile phones.
Amanda Summers, an American who works in nepal, watched the crash happen from the terrace of her home office.
“It was flying so low I thought it was going to run into the mountains,” she said. She said it was unclear if it had reached the runway when it landed. “All of a sudden there was a blast and then another blast,” she said.
Fire crews put out the flames very quickly, perhaps within a minute, she said, though clouds of thick, dark smoke rose into the sky above Kathmandu, the capital of the Himalayan nation.
The flight was arriving from Bangladesh, said an airport official who spoke on condition of anonymity because of airport policy.
An employee who answered the phone at the US-Bangla offices in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, said no one was available to talk.
“I have no other details,” said the employee, who refused to give his name. “But a bad incident has happened.”
US-Bangla Airlines operates Boeing 737-800 and smaller Bombardier Dash 8 Q-400 planes.
The airline, part of US-Bangla Group, is based in Dhaka and flies to several domestic and international destinations.
The parent company operates in a number of industries, including real estate, education and agriculture.
Nepal has suffered a number of air disasters in recent years, dealing a blow to its tourist industry.
Its poor air safety record has been blamed largely on inadequate maintenance, inexperienced pilots and substandard management.
In early 2016, a Twin Otter turboprop aircraft slammed into a mountainside in Nepal killing all 23 people on board.
Two days later, two pilots were killed when a small passenger plane crash-landed in the country’s hilly midwest.
أعلنت السلطات النيبالية اليوم الاثنين تحطم طائرة قادمة من بنغلاديش وعلى متنها 67 راكبا اثناء هبوطها في مطار (تريبهوفان) الدولي بالعاصمة (كاتماندو) مؤكدة انقاذ 17 منهم.
وقال المتحدث باسم هيئة مطار (تريبهوفان) بريم ثاكور في تصريح صحفي إن الطائرة تابعة لشركة طيران (يو.إس.بانغلا) الخاصة في بنغلاديش.
واضاف ثاكور ان الطائرة من طراز (بومباردييه داش 8 كيو.400) واشتعلت النيران بها بعد انحرافها عن المدرج اثناء هبوطها ما ادى الى تحطمها بالقرب منه.
من جانبه قال المدير العام لهيئة الطيران المدني في نيبال سانجيف غوتام إن قائد الطائرة فقد السيطرة عليها عندما حاول الهبوط على المدرج موضحا ان سلطات المطار “سمحت للطائرة بالهبوط من الجانب الجنوبي من المدرج لكنها هبطت من الجانب الشمالي”.
وأشار غوتام الى احتمال ان تكون الطائرة قد عانت من بعض العيوب الفنية أثناء محاولتها الهبوط مؤكدا في الوقت نفسه انه لم يتم التأكد بعد من “سبب الهبوط غير العادي”.
بدورها قررت سلطات مطار (تريبهوفان) إلغاء جميع الرحلات الجوية من المطار واليه في اعقاب الحادث.
ونقلت صحيفة (كاتماندو بوست) النيبالية عن المسؤول في وزارة السياحة سوريش أشاريا القول إن 17 جريحا تم إنقاذهم في اعقاب الحادث أرسلوا على اثرها إلى مستشفيات مختلفة لتلقي العلاج.
يذكر ان نيبال شهدت عام 2016 سقوط طائرة صغيرة على متنها 21 شخصا بنيهم اجنبيان بالقرب مطار (تريبهوفان) الدولي.