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Qatar Airways cancels a number of flights to London

القطرية تلغي عدداً من رحلاتها للعاصمة لندن

Doha: Due to the planned industrial action by ground staff at the key London hub, Heathrow airport, many flights had to be cancelled or rerouted. According to media reports, 91 airlines are affected. This includes Qatar Airways flight from and to Doha from Heathrow.

The airline has updated their travel alerts page with details about the flights from and to Heathrow.

The following Qatar Airways services to and from London Heathrow have been cancelled or re-routed as a result of the proposed industrial action by airport staff:

To limit queuing time through security, during this disruption, the airline has asked passengers wherever possible to minimise the amount of hand luggage they carry on these flights and to arrive for check-in at least three hours before departure.

On Monday 5th August, QR 008 from Heathrow to Doha will now depart from London Gatwick at 1825. Qatar Airways will provide free coach transport from Heathrow to Gatwick, leaving at 1330.

“However, we strongly advise passengers to make their own way to Gatwick if at all possible as we expect Heathrow to be busier than normal,” the airline said on their website.

On Tuesday 6th August, QR003 from Doha to Heathrow will depart on schedule at 0750 but will be re-routed to London Gatwick with an expected arrival time of 1315.

On Tuesday 6th August, QR004 from Heathrow to Doha will now depart from London Gatwick at 1505. Qatar Airways will provide free coach transport from Heathrow to Gatwick, leaving at 1000.

“However, we strongly advise passengers to make their own way to Gatwick if at all possible as we expect Heathrow to be busier than normal,” the airline said.

“Where we have details for passengers, Qatar Airways will contact those passengers directly to inform them of these changes to their travel, including connections.

“However, we ask all passengers to ensure their contact details are up to date should we need to contact them. This can be done on our Manage Your Booking page,” Qatar Airways said.

“It is not clear whether there will be further disruption after the 6th, however we will update this page as soon as we have more information from Heathrow airport,” the airline stated.

On Sunday 4th August, QR 005, Doha to Heathrow, and on Monday 5th August, QR 006, Heathrow to Doha, were cancelled.

And on Monday 5th August, QR 007 from Doha to Heathrow departed from London Gatwick with an expected arrival time of 1310.

Some airlines including British Airways has urged passengers to carry one small personal item of hand baggage that can fit under the seat in front of you. Any additional items of hand baggage must be checked in.

Heathrow Airport officials and labor union leaders averted the start of a two-day strike by workers at Europe’s busiest airport, agreeing Sunday to keep on talking with a mediator’s help for at least another day.

Security guards, firefighters, engineers and drivers at Heathrow had planned to go on strike at 12:01 a.m. Monday over an ongoing pay dispute. The airport cancelled more than 170 flights scheduled for Monday and Tuesday in preparation of a work stoppage.

Airport workers in the Unite union earlier rejected an offer that Heathrow officials said included a 7.3% pay increase over 2½ years.

Unite officials said they were focused on closing disparities between airport workers doing the same job, as well an “unacceptable” pay gap between workers and Heathrow CEO John Holland-Kaye; his compensation package is worth 4.2 million pounds ($5.1 million).

“It takes Mr. Holland-Kaye around two days to earn what some of the lowest paid Heathrow workers earn in a year,” the union said.

(inputs from Agencies)

نوهت الخطوط الجوية القطرية، الى الغاء واعادة توجيه عدد من الرحلات من والى مطار هيثرو، نتيجة للاضراب العمالي من قبل موظفي المطار في لندن، والرحلات كالاتي: الغاء الرحلة رقم QR005 امس، المتجهة الى لندن هيثرو والتي كان من المقرر لها ان تقلع في الساعة 16:50 مساءاً وتم نقل حجوزات المسافرين الى رحلات اخرى، واليوم الاثنين ستلغى الرحلة رقم QR006 المتجهة من لندن هيثرو الى الدوحة، والتي من المقرر لها ان تقلع في الساعة 8:00 صباحاً، وسيتم نقل حجوزات المسافرين الى رحلات اخرى، اما الرحلة رقم QR007 المتجهة من الدوحة الى لندن هيثرو ستقلع في الوقت المحدد لها عند الساعة 9:00 صباحاً، وسيتم تحويل الرحلة الى مطار لندن غاتويك ووقت الوصول المتوقع 13:10 مساءاً، والرحلة رقم QR008 المتجهة اليوم الاثنين من لندن هيثرو الى الدوحة، ستقلع من مطار لندن غاتويك في الساعة 18:25 مساءاً، وسيتم توفير خدمة توصيل للركاب من مطار لندن هيثرو الى مطار لندن غاتويك في تمام الساعة 13:30 مساءاً.

وتوصي القطرية الركاب بالذهاب المباشر الى مطار غاتويك اذا تمكنوا من ذلك، حيث من المتوقع لمطار هيثرو ان يكون مزدحماً بشكل كبير جداً .وستقوم الخطوط القطرية بالتواصل مع المسافرين المتأثرين بهذه التغيرات، مع توصيتهم بالقيام بتحديث بيانات الاتصال الخاصة بهم، من خلال صفحة ادارة الحجز على الموقع الالكتروني للقطرية، مع اهمية تقليل كمية الحقائب التي يحملونها والوصول الى المطار قبل 3 ساعات على الاقل من وقت المغادرة، وذلك من اجل اختصار وقت الانتظار في المطار خلال الاضراب العمالي .

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