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Various art schools in Katara exhibitions

مدارس فنية منوعة في معارض «كتارا»

Portuguese journalist tells stories through art

Seasoned Portuguese journalist Patrícia Mouzinho documents stories through art in her solo exhibition titled “Journey through my stories” which opened on Wednesday at Katara Cultural Village.

Born in 1972, Mouzinho lives and works in Lisbon, Portugal as a journalist for SIC, a major Portuguese TV network. She has been mostly making documentaries on various subjects, both of national and international interest.

“My life as a journalist began 27 years ago. The different countries around the world that I visited created in me mixed feelings expressed in these paintings,” she said.

A self-taught artist, mouzinho’s artistic career started almost 30 years ago influenced by her grandparents, who were both committed to drawing and painting.

She never had the urge to exhibit her art to the world, preferring to let them live between the walls of family and friends. It was only three years ago when she decided to start showcasing her art for the world to see, from her home country to China and now in Qatar.

“It is my first exhibition here and I’m happy to be in Qatar specially in Katara, a distinctive and beautiful cultural place,” she said. More than 30 paintings, many of which lean towards cubism, are on show at the exhibition launched by Katara General Manager Dr. Khalid bin Ibrahim Al Sulaiti and Portuguese Ambassador Ricardo Eduardo Vaz Pereira Pracana.

“Katara is witnessing a remarkable development at all levels, especially in the diversity of exhibitions and artists,” said Al Sulaiti, highlighting that Katara aspires to provide artists and enthusiasts opportunity to exchange experiences and build connections through art that allows the development of skills and openness to different experiences and cultures.

“We are confident that these exhibitions enrich the cultural scene in Qatar and contribute effectively and directly to building bridges of communication between different peoples and cultures,” stressed Al Sulaiti.

For his part, the ambassador expressed great pleasure for this cooperation with the Katara, which reflects openness to different cultures.

Mouzinho graduated from the Universidade Autónoma of Lisbon with a degree in Communication Science and studied Law at the Universidade Católica. She also enrolled in a Theatre Course at the renowned Instituto de Formação Investigação e Criação Teatral and finished a course in Judiciary Journalism.

The exhibition is open for public viewing at Gallery 1 of Building 19 until October 14.

By Raynald C Rivera / The Peninsula


‘No Boundaries’ exhibition opens at Katara


The ‘No Boundaries’ exhibition by Italian artist Caterina Varchetta opened at the Katara – the Cultural Village on Wednesday, featuring a unique collection of canvas and porcelains, highlighting the deep-rooted relations between Qatar and Italy.

“I find harmony between light and shadow, tradition, innovation, fragility, and strength in all aspects of art reflected on my work,” said Varchetta, a Doha resident.

The exhibition, organised by the embassy of Italy in Doha and Katara, will run until October 13 at Katara’s Building 22, Gallery 2. It is officially part of the initiative supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation, aimed at promoting Italian contemporary art abroad.

The opening ceremony was attended by Katara general manager Dr Khalid bin Ibrahim al-Sulaiti, Italian ambassador Pasquale Salzano, as well as several other envoys from various missions in Doha.

“Exposed to local influences and inspired by the landscapes of Qatar, Varchetta applies to canvas and porcelains a very personal artistic language, mixing Italian traditions and Qatari symbols. As a consequence, her artworks engage without limits and restrictions in an open dialogue between two cultures,” Salzano said in his speech.

“Here it is the powerful message of ‘No boundaries’. Art knows no borders. It goes beyond any barriers and rejects labels, constrictions and divisions,” he noted. “This is exactly the approach that Italy and Qatar share towards art and culture, which need to remain free and inclusive.”

The envoy lauded the artist for sharing her talent and sensitivity, expressed through outstanding artworks that show the tight connections between Italy and Qatar.

He also thanked Dr al-Sulaiti for “an excellent ongoing co-operation that significantly contributes to the strengthening of the relations between Qatar and Italy, while offering cultural programmes that benefit our communities.”

“We have decided to resume our cultural journey after the summer break from a unique collection of canvas and porcelains created by the Italian artist Caterina Varchetta, precisely from Naples – where I come from – but based in Doha, where she lives with her family,” Salzano said.

Dr al-Sulaiti also inaugurated “A Journey Through My Stories” exhibition by Portuguese artist Patricia Mouzinho, showcasing 40 paintings belonging to the School of Cubist Art.

He stressed that the the two exhibitions serve as an opportunity for many people to learn about new experiences, build relations, and exchange of experiences.

“Katara is witnessing a remarkable development at all levels, especially in the diversity of exhibitions and artists,” Dr al-Sulaiti said, adding that the two exhibitions have an artistic flavour, which reflects a deep vision and a melting pot of diverse cultural experiences.

Mouzinho said that her works have been an expression of many mixed feelings of being a journalist 27 years ago as she visited different countries around the world.

“I am happy to be in Qatar and this unique and beautiful cultural village, Katara,” she added.

‘No Boundaries will run until October 13 (building 22) while ‘A journey through my stories’ in the building 19 Hall 1 will continue until 14 of this month.

افتتح سعادة الدكتور خالد بن إبراهيم السليطي -المدير العام للمؤسسة العامة للحي الثقافي «كتارا»- مساء أمس الأول، معرض الفنانة الإيطالية كاترينا فاركيتا «بلا حدود»، ومعرض الفنانة البرتغالية باتريشيا موزينهو «رحلة عبر قصصي»، وذلك بحضور سعادة السيد باسكوالي سالزانو سفير الجمهورية الإيطالية لدى قطر، وسعادة السيد ريكاردو إدواردو فانش سفير جمهورية البرتغال لدى قطر، بالإضافة إلى عدد من أصحاب السعادة سفراء كل من: كازاخستان، والعراق، والبرازيل، وكرواتيا، واليابان، والمكسيك، وعدد من الإعلاميين والمهتمين.

وبهذه المناسبة، قال الدكتور السليطي: «تشهد «كتارا» تطوراً ملحوظاً على كل المستويات، لا سيّما في تنوع المعارض والفنانين، واليوم، ونحن نفتتح معرضين لفنانين من إيطاليا والبرتغال، نلحظ تنوّع المدارس والأفكار، وطُرق تقديمها، وهذا ما نطمح إليه، حتى نمنح الفنانين والمهتمين فرصة تبادل الخبرات، وبناء علاقات فنية تسمح بتطور المهارات، والانفتاح على مختلف التجارب والثقافات.

وأضاف قائلاً: «كلا المعرضين يحملان نكهة فنية تنمّ عن رؤية عميقة، وخلاصة تجارب ثقافية منوعة، ونحن واثقون من أن هذه المعارض تثري الساحة الثقافية في قطر، وتسهم بشكل فعَّال ومباشر في مدّ جسور التواصل بين مختلف الشعوب والثقافات».

وأعرب كلٌّ من: سعادة سفير إيطاليا والبرتغال عن سعادتهما البالغة لهذا التعاون مع الحي الثقافي «كتارا»، والذي يقدّم صورة رائعة لمعنى الانفتاح على مختلف الثقافات.

وضمّ معرض «بلا حدود» 22 لوحة فنية، بالإضافة إلى عدد من المعروضات الزجاجية المنقوشة، قالت عنها الفنانة إنها سعت في أعمالها لإيجاد التناغم بين الضوء والظل، والتقاليد والابتكار، والهشاشة والقوة في جميع الجوانب الفنية المنعكسة على أعمالها.

أما معرض «رحلة عبر قصصي»، فقد ضمّ 40 لوحة تنتمي إلى مدرسة الفن التكعيبي، قالت عنها الفنانة: «هو معرضي الأول، وكنت سعيدة لتواجدي في قطر، و»كتارا» تحديداً، هذا المكان الثقافي المميز والجميل»، وأضافت: «اللوحات التي أقدمها هي حصيلة تجارب وقصص مرت بي أثناء فترة عملي كصحافية منذ حوالي 27 عاماً، من مختلف دول العالم التي زرتها، والتي كوّنت بداخلي مشاعر عديدة مختلطة، عبّرت عنها بهذه اللوحات».

جدير بالذكر أن معرض «بلا حدود» يتواصل في المبنى 22 حتى 13 من أكتوبر الحالي، أما معرض «رحلة عبر قصصي» في المبنى 19 قاعة (1)، فيتواصل حتى 14 من الشهر الحالي.

Various art schools in Katara exhibitions

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