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Qatar and Japan agree to step up strategic alliance

قطر واليابان تتفقان على تعزيز التحالف الاستراتيجي

*Amir and Abe hold talks, attend signing of MoUs

Qatar-Japan bilateral relations are poised to become stronger after the two countries issued a joint declaration and signed a number of memorandums of understanding (MoUs).

The signing ceremony was attended by His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani and Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo in Tokyo on Tuesday.

The joint declaration was on the establishment of a strategic dialogue mechanism between the two countries aimed at strengthening relations and encouraging co-operation in all fields.

An MoU was signed in the field of culture between Qatar’s Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan to enhance the bilateral relations and co-operation in the field of culture, and promoting understanding and good relations between the peoples.

A second MoU was on co-operation in economy, trade and technical co-operation between the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the two countries. It seeks to strengthen the bonds of friendship in the respective fields and achieve mutual benefits.

Another MoU in the field of transport between the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Qatar and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan envisages developing co-operation in transport.

The Amir and Abe also witnessed the signing of the first executive programme for the MoU of co-operation in the field of youth and sports between the Ministry of Culture and Sports in Qatar and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.

MoUs were also signed in the field of legal and judicial administration between the Ministry of Justice of Qatar and the Ministry of Justice of Japan, and in the field of waste treatment between the Ministry of Municipality and Environment of Qatar and the Ministry of the Environment of Japan.

The signing ceremony was also attended by members of the official delegation accompanying the Amir and a number of Japanese ministers and senior officials.

The Amir and Abe later held official talks at the Prime Minister’s office in Tokyo on Tuesday evening.

At the outset, Abe welcomed the Amir and the accompanying delegation, recalling his last visit to Japan four years ago and the subsequent meetings. He said Japan attaches the highest level of confidence in Qatar as a gas exporting country.

The Japanese Prime Minister pointed out that the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries will be marked in 2021.

Abe praised Qatar for hosting the FIFA 2022 World Cup.

He also expressed sincere thanks and gratitude to the Amir for Qatar’s help in getting Japanese journalist Jumpei Yasuda arrested in Syria released.

The Amir expressed his happiness at his second visit to Japan, and his meeting with the Prime Minister, and wished further development of relations between the two countries, stressing the importance of this visit in enhancing progress and development to include areas other than the existing fields of energy and co-operation.

The Amir also expressed confidence that the 2020 Olympic Games to be held in Tokyo will be a successful and perfect tournament.

Qatar is looking forward to the co-operation from Japanese friends in organising such events, the Amir added.

Sheikh Tamim said the two sides agreed to co-operate in the field of sports and in organiing international sporting events.

The official talks focused on strengthening bilateral relations to enhance the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two friendly countries.

The two sides discussed the latest regional and international developments, especially the situation in Syria and Yemen, as well as the Gulf crisis. They also agreed on the importance of dialogue and political and peaceful solutions to different conflicts and crises.

Earlier, the Amir was accorded an official reception upon arrival at the Japanese Prime Minister’s Office.

Earlier on Tuesday, Sheikh Tamim met with the Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono. They reviewed bilateral relations and developments on the regional and international arenas.

Also on Tuesday, the Amir met with Qatari students and trainees in Japan. He exchanged views about their fields of study, scientific disciplines and fields of work and about the importance of taking advantage of this learning and vocational training to serve their community and homeland.

The students and trainees thanked the Amir for the opportunity to meet him and said it reflected his encouragement to them. They also stressed their determination to continue their academic excellence to service their homeland.

The Amir also attended a dinner banquet hosted by the Japanese Prime Minister. In his welcoming speech,Abe said the day’s talks were fruitful, and called for deepening the friendly relations in various fields.

He also praised the efforts of the Amir in supporting and enhancing relations between the two countries, wishing him health and happiness and for the further development and progress of relations between the two countries.

Abe also made a reference to the Asia Cup being held in the United Arab Emirates. Qatar will meet Japan in the finals of the tournament on Friday.

The Amir congratulated the Prime Minister and the Japanese people on the victory of the Japanese team and their outstanding performance, while also praising the Qatari team who showed a very good level of performance.

The Amir thanked the Japanese Prime Minister for his kind words and feelings, adding that the talks were constructive and positive. Sheikh Tamim hoped that the two countries would expand areas of co-operation to include besides energy, tourism and health for mutual benefit. The Amir appreciated the strategic partnership with Japan, describing it as “the first partner” and looked forward to strengthening and developing it.

The banquet was attended by a number of senior officials, politicians, economists, cultural figures, businessmen and heads of the boards of major Japanese companies and institutions, as well as a number of businessmen and heads of companies from Qatar.

عقد حضرة صاحب السمو الشيخ تميم بن حمد آل ثاني أمير البلاد المفدى، ودولة السيد شينزو أبي رئيس وزراء اليابان، جلسة مباحثات رسمية، مساء أمس، بمقر رئاسة الوزراء في طوكيو.

وفي بداية الجلسة، رحّب دولة رئيس الوزراء الياباني بسمو الأمير والوفد المرافق، مستذكراً زيارة سموه الأخيرة لليابان قبل أربع سنوات واللقاءات اللاحقة، مشيراً إلى أن اليابان تولي دولة قطر المصدرة للغاز أكبر قدر من الثقة، وأشار إلى أنه في العام 2021 ستحل الذكرى الخمسون لإقامة العلاقات الدبلوماسية بين البلدين، إضافة إلى أن دولة قطر ستستضيف بطولة كأس العالم 2022، متطلعاً إلى مزيد من التواصل لتقوية العلاقات الثنائية.

كما أعرب دولته عن خالص شكره وامتنانه لسمو الأمير على جهود دولة قطر المتعلقة بالمساعدة في الإفراج عن الصحافي الياباني جومبي ياسودا الذي اعتقل في سوريا.

بدوره، أعرب سمو الأمير المفدى عن سعادته بزيارته الثانية لليابان ولقائه رئيس الوزراء، وبتطور العلاقات الدائم بين البلدين، مؤكداً أهمية هذه الزيارة في تعزيز مسيرتها وتطويرها، لتشمل مجالات أوسع، غير مجالات الطاقة والتعاون الموجودة حالياً.

وفيما يتعلّق بإشارة دولة رئيس الوزراء الياباني إلى بطولة كأس العالم قطر 2022 في معرض حديثه، أوضح سمو الأمير أن اليابان ستستضيف أيضاً بطولة أولمبياد 2020 في طوكيو، معرباً عن ثقته بأنها ستكون بطولة ناجحة ومثالية، ومتطلعاً لتعاون اللجان المعنية للاستفادة من خبرة الأصدقاء اليابانيين في تنظيم مثل هذه الأحداث.

وقد تناولت الجلسة أوجه توطيد العلاقات الثنائية، بما يعزز سبل الشراكة الاستراتيجية الشاملة بين البلدين الصديقين.

كما تناولت المباحثات أبرز المستجدات الإقليمية والدولية، وخاصة الأوضاع في المنطقة في كل من سوريا واليمن، وكذلك الأزمة الخليجية، وأكد الجانبان في هذا الإطار تطابق وجهات النظر بشأن أهمية الحوار، والحلول السياسية والسلمية لمختلف النزاعات والأزمات.

حضر الجلسة أصحاب السعادة أعضاء الوفد الرسمي المرافق لسمو الأمير، ومن الجانب الياباني، حضرها عدد من أصحاب السعادة الوزراء وكبار المسؤولين.

وكانت قد أجريت لسمو الأمير -لدى وصوله مقر رئاسة الوزراء- مراسم استقبال رسمي.;

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